Tank Effective Volume Calculator
There are various types of tanks that are available for different applications, such as distribution, domestic water storage, rainwater harvesting, irrigation, firefighting, air-conditioning or swimming pool make-up tanks, etc.
Water tanks can be either sectional or non-sectional. Sectional tanks are made-up of few to many identical cubic sections arranged systematically and stacked in tiers to store cumulatively large volume of water, while allowing flexibility of arrangement based on site constraints. As opposed to a non-sectional tank which comes in one-piece, the lengths of each side of sectional tanks can be varied to better adapt and fit into a given space.
Sectional Tanks
Sectional tanks also come in different material and base sizes – the size of 1 cubic section.

The volume of a Sectional Tank can be computed from simple formulae below:

Non-sectional/One-piece/Whole tank
Examples of non-sectional tanks include Reinforced Concrete (RC), plastics or polymers, steel or alloy tanks etc. Those tanks exist in various shapes (more often cylindrical / rectangular shapes) and sizes.
Round (Cylindrical) One-piece Tank
The Effective Volume of a Cylindrical One-piece Tank can be computed from:

Rectangular One-piece Tank
The volume of a Rectangular One-piece Tank can be computed from:

A Downloadable Excel File for Tank Effective Volume Calculator is as follows. Download the file to see how the above-mentioned formulae works out for different types of Tanks.
Tank Effective Volume Calculator (Excel)